

Working experience

05-11/2024 analysis and documentation of a Ruby on Rails application for purposes of a rewrite
07-09/2023 ThinkEasy s.r.o.
- PHP programming
2021 Internet Product Development Group, Inc.
- Ruby programming
2018-2020 Clientigent s.r.o.
- PHP programming (Symfony)
2017-2018 Grand s.r.o.
- PHP programming: developing new Symfony applications; refactoring and extending legacy systems built on ancient versions of Drupal, Nette, as well as "vanilla" PHP
2015-2017 Applifting s.r.o.
- Ruby programming, mostly on Rails (+ one PHP project): backend APIs for mobile and web apps, traditional web apps, third-party system integrations
2013-2015 junior programmer at Topinfo s.r.o.
- Python programming, simple web front-end work (HTML, JS), customer support, maintenance of several dozens of websites and web applications


2014-2016, 2017-2019 Bachelor (Bc.) + Master (Mgr.) programme "Theology" at the Faculty of Theology, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.
2007-2014 Master programme "Catholic Theology" at the Catholic Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague. Terminated without reaching the degree. 2013 I started working fulltime and didn't manage to finish my thesis.
2011 one semester at the Catholic Theological Faculty, University Erfurt (Germany)
1999-2007 Gymnázium Kladno

"Teologie ... to nemá s programováním nic společného, že ne?" "Má. Mě."

(Human) Languages

Technical skills

Code online

Contributions to third-party projects

They are all just small insignificant stuff, but as a proof of the fundamental skills related to understanding and modifying code written by someone else they should be sufficient. Many more minor contributions can be dug up by browsing the activity log of my Github profile.

Personal projects

My active personal projects are somewhat monothematic, crystalizing around two main topics:

1. Church calendar

2. Liturgical music

3. Other